Welcome to Kevin David Anderson's
(my) audio page.
Here you can find audio fiction to listen to for FREE. Below you will
find links to stories, organized by podcast. You might notice
that several stories are repeated on several different podcasts.
Each podcast will have a different take, narrator and style so
depending on which podcast you choose the same story will sound
a little different from podcast to podcast. There are links to
listen to the story on the podast site or, if available, on
YouTube. All my stories that are available on YouTube are
gathered together on my Playlist -Kevin's
stories in audio - Podcasts, on my
YouTube channel.

PseudoPod is one of the longest running horror
podcast starting in 2007
Read by Mur Lafferty
A young nurse decides to deal with
the entities living inside her
Listen on YouTube
Listen on Pseudopod Episode 36
Blood, Gridlock,
and PEZ
Read by K.J. Johnson
A road trip comes to a quick stop at the end of
an ax handle
Listen on YouTube
Listen on Pseudopod
Episode 73

Radio Morgue is Jason Hill's YouTube channel
where he produced audio fiction before becoming
the host of The Horror Hill Podcast on the
Simply Scary Podcast Network
The Box
Born Wraith
read by Jason Hill
Being buried alive isn't always the end
Listen on the YouTube Channel Radio Morgue
Green Eyes and
Chili Dogs
(an Earl and Dale
read by Jason Hill
Two truckers, Earl and Dale, face off with the
dead with grit and a few laughs
Listen on the YouTube Channel Radio Morgue
For more Earl and Dale tales pick up a copy of
Midnight Men: The Supernatural
Adventures of Earl and Dale
from Grinning Skull Press


The Horror Hill Podcast is produced by Jason
Hill for the Simply Scary Podcast Network
Season 1, Episode 1 featured my story
Night of
the Spider
(an Earl and Dale Adverture)
read by Jason Hill
A call in the night begs for help and
Earl and Dale answer
Listen on Horror Hill Season 3, Episode 5
Listen on YouTube
The Greatest Fear
(an Earl and
Dale Adventure)
read by Jason Hill
In this story we’ll join our two favorite
monster-hunting truckers, Earl and Dale, pinned
down in a hospital overrun by the undead, in a
heroic struggle to lead the survivors to safety,
not realizing that true danger may be closer
than they think
Listen on Horror Hill Season 2, Episode 15
Listen on YouTube
The FUBAR Ritual
read by Jason Hill
Some of my best Horror Comedy -This one answers
the question, what happens when two teenagers
try to summon a demon with inadequate offerings
and a dismal recitation of the unholy words.
Listen to The FUBAR Ritual on
The FUBAR Ritual
Listen to The FUBAR Ritual on
your favorite podcast service (Spotify, TuneIn,
The FUBAR Ritual
read by Jason Hill
"The day Aaron realized he wanted to eat his
children, he knew he'd have to leave"
Listen on Horror Hill Season 1, Episode 1
Listen on YouTube
The Day
Hypnotism Died
read by Jason Hill
Listen on Horror Hill Season 1, Episode 3
Listen on YouTube
read by Jason Hill
Its Halloween, there is a missing person,
and a serial killer is on the loose
Listen at Horror Hill Season 1, Episode 8
Listen on YouTube
read by Jason Hill
An abandoned carnival isn't the best place
to ride out the end of the world
Listen at Horror Hill Season 1, Episode 24
Listen on YouTube
read by Jason Hill
Listen at Horror Hill Season 2, Episode 4
Listen on YouTube
The Mount
of Death
Read by Jason Hill
Listen on Horror Hill Season 2, Episode 8
Listen on YouTube

The Drabblecast is truly a gem of fiction
podcasts especially if you like the strange.
read by Norm Sherman
An abandoned carnival isn't the best place
to ride out the end of the world
Listen on YouTube
Listen on the Drabblecast DC Episode 23
read by Norm Sherman
Its Halloween, there is a missing person,
and a serial killer is on the loose
Listen on YouTube
Listen on the Drabblecast DC Episode 36
read by Norm Sherman
A world renowned parapsychologist, a
powerful child, and people without a pulse
Listen on YouTube
Listen on the Drabblecast DC Episode 59
The Box Born
read by Norm Sherman
Being buried alive isn't always the end
Listen on YouTube
Listen on the Drabblecast DC Episode 87
Drabblecast Classics 11 - The Box Born Wraith
Listen to a roundtable discussion with fans of
the Drabblecast discussing The Box Born
Listen on the Drabblecast Classics Episode 11
Drabblecast Director's Cut - The Box Born Wraith
Author, Kevin David Anderson, and DC host, Norm
Sherman discuss the story The Box Born Wraith
Listen on the Drabblecast
World 2025
read by various artist
Listen on the Drabblecast (Part 1) DC Episode
Listen on the Drabblecast (Part 2) DC Episode
185 |

The Echo
at the End of the Road
Blood, Gridlock, and PEZ
read by Otis Jiry
Listen on Scary Stories Told in the Dark Season
7, Episode 13
Listen on YouTube
The Room
read by Otis Jiry
Listen on Scary Stories Told in the Dark Season
5, Episdoe 19
Listen on YouTube
Scarecrows and Devils
read by Otis Jiry
Listen on Scary Stories Told in the Dark Season
6, Episode 14
Listen on YouTube

Hosted by Rish Outfield and Bigg Anklavich this
sporatic podcast features good fiction with
bantering comentary that is sometimes more
entertaining than the stories.
and Mounting Fairies
read by Bigg Anklavich
Listen on The Dunsteef Episode 15
Listen on YouTube
in July
read by variuse artist
Listen on The Dunesteef Episode 27
Listen on YouTube
The Day
Hypnotism Died
read by variuse artist
Listen on The Dunsteef Episode 75
Listen on YouTube

read by Rob Davids
Listen on YouTube

Ink Spot
read by Rob Davids
Listen on YouTube |

The Lure of Heaven
Read by Christina Colligan
Listen on YouTube |

Piercing the Dead
Read by Brandon
Listen on YouTube |

BLood Gridlock & PEZ
The popular No Sleep Podcast has released their
version of my short story Blood, Gridlock,
and PEZ. The story is produced by: Jesse
Cornett and includes the voice talents of
Atticus Jackson, Nichole Goodnight, Dan
Zappulla, Jesse Cornett, and Kyle Akers. The
episode also has an interview with Elijah Wood.
The story is on the subscriber side of the
episode so you must be a NoSleep Podcast member
to listen, or pay $2 for the episode.
Episode link: Season 13 episode 1

Night of the
read by Rish Outfield
YA Novel / Horror Comedy (ages 12 & up)
Listen to the first three chapters of my YA
action horror comedy, Night of the ZomBEEs for
Listen to the the first three chapters on
Purchase full audiobook Amazon
Third Shift
(Audio Drama)
Performed Live at the University of Southern
Main with three
other stories, all with an
ensemble cast
Listen at
FinalRuins Productions

Three very short
stories put together in one five minute video
Outrunning the Bear
read by Norm Sherman
The Big Sleep
read by
Thomas Baker
read by Clay Dugger
Listen on my YouTube Channel

The Box
Born Wraith
Kevin and Drabblecast host
Norm Sherman discuss the horror genre, the
origins of Cryptkeeper Norm, and the hit story
The Box-Born Wraith featured as Drabblecast
episode 87 back in 2008. The episode was
Drabblecast’s second
official Halloween Special.
Click here to listen to this special Director's
Cut episode of The Drabblecast
Pop Cultist Podcast
Episode 12
Nov. 26, 2015
Interview with Kevin David Anderson by podcast host, media
reviewer, writer, and zombie expert Tony Schaab and his
co-host Emily Schaab
The Week in
May 16th, 2013
Interview with Kevin David Anderson and Sam Stall
HG World Podcast
Afterparty 10 - Trekkies, Zombies, and Khaaaaaan!
Interview with Kevin David Anderson
TREK Radio
Night of the
Living Trekkies on TREK Radio
- scroll down to interviews October 2010
Kevin David Anderson talks Zombies, Star Trek and Science
Fiction with Trek Radio founder Zach Nicodemous |